Suicide Squad
First midnight showing since 2012's Prometheus. Bought tickets two weeks in advance. So pumped and excited. Couldn't wait.
Oh, how utterly disappointing it was.
Now, this may imply that I did not enjoy the film. I enjoyed it in the way one would enjoy laughing gas, pleasurable when used (in this case viewed), but after it's over you're in a lot of pain.
Suicide Squad is DC's attempt at an anti-hero team. The comics were very enjoyable, so most expected to enjoy the movie. I will say it is not as bad as the mainstream critics say it was, but that said, it wasn't much better.
The film follows Deadshot (Played by Will Smith), Harley Quinn (Played by Margot Robbie), Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman), Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney), El Diablo (Jay Hernandez), and Killer Croc (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje) as they go through Midway City, attempting to stop Enchantress (Cara Delevingne). Everyone is the city has evacuated, so the government sends the most disposable super villains ever. Throw in little sprinkles of Joker (Jared Leto, whose talent is absolutely wasted by giving him basically a glorified cameo) and you have Suicide Squad.
I walked out of the film feeling cheated. The film's plot was formulaic, cliche, and frankly just plain boring. It has been done before. "Oh hey, let's send in some circus freaks to solve our problems so that we can hide in our shells and not deal with the fact that this may be the end of the world." This is the government. This is a problem.
The visual effects were more of a copy of this year's Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. They were meh at best. I found it to be distracting from the lack of plot, and in this case it's not a good thing. The film's lack of character development leaves a lot to be desired. It feels as though they decided to ignore the backstory to anyone not Harley Quinn, Will Smith, or the villain's sex partner. They merely dips a toe into what has potential into what could be a great film.
Not every part of the movie was horrible, to be fair. The film's main saving grace is Harley Quinn. She is hilarious, crazy, and she walks around wearing fishnets and red/blue panties for the whole movie (no complaints there). The other part that was good about this movie was Harley's plotline with the Joker. Jared Leto, while being very non-Heath Ledger-esque, has made the Joker badass again. It was a crying shame that they cut out most of his scenes. Damn you, David Ayer.
I give this film 2 stars. At very best, get it from Redbox. It's just not worth the price of a movie ticket. And the heavy reliance on the Joker for marketing? Nope.
Oh, how utterly disappointing it was.
Now, this may imply that I did not enjoy the film. I enjoyed it in the way one would enjoy laughing gas, pleasurable when used (in this case viewed), but after it's over you're in a lot of pain.
Suicide Squad is DC's attempt at an anti-hero team. The comics were very enjoyable, so most expected to enjoy the movie. I will say it is not as bad as the mainstream critics say it was, but that said, it wasn't much better.
The film follows Deadshot (Played by Will Smith), Harley Quinn (Played by Margot Robbie), Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman), Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney), El Diablo (Jay Hernandez), and Killer Croc (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje) as they go through Midway City, attempting to stop Enchantress (Cara Delevingne). Everyone is the city has evacuated, so the government sends the most disposable super villains ever. Throw in little sprinkles of Joker (Jared Leto, whose talent is absolutely wasted by giving him basically a glorified cameo) and you have Suicide Squad.
I walked out of the film feeling cheated. The film's plot was formulaic, cliche, and frankly just plain boring. It has been done before. "Oh hey, let's send in some circus freaks to solve our problems so that we can hide in our shells and not deal with the fact that this may be the end of the world." This is the government. This is a problem.
The visual effects were more of a copy of this year's Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. They were meh at best. I found it to be distracting from the lack of plot, and in this case it's not a good thing. The film's lack of character development leaves a lot to be desired. It feels as though they decided to ignore the backstory to anyone not Harley Quinn, Will Smith, or the villain's sex partner. They merely dips a toe into what has potential into what could be a great film.
Not every part of the movie was horrible, to be fair. The film's main saving grace is Harley Quinn. She is hilarious, crazy, and she walks around wearing fishnets and red/blue panties for the whole movie (no complaints there). The other part that was good about this movie was Harley's plotline with the Joker. Jared Leto, while being very non-Heath Ledger-esque, has made the Joker badass again. It was a crying shame that they cut out most of his scenes. Damn you, David Ayer.
I give this film 2 stars. At very best, get it from Redbox. It's just not worth the price of a movie ticket. And the heavy reliance on the Joker for marketing? Nope.
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This review was selected for publication in the magazine, Teen Ink.