
One of the best things that came out of 2016's Deadpool was that 20th Century Fox found that R rated superhero movies can be successful. With this, they announced that they were in the process of creating an R rated Wolverine movie. Logan is the result of this. As it embraces the R rating with violence and language, Logan draws you in on an emotional level as well.

The film takes place in the year 2029, a time where mutants are near extinct. Logan (played by the worn Hugh Jackman) does his best to blend in within his small town near the border, as he cares for Professor Charles Xavier (played by Patrick Stewart) with the help of Caliban (Stephen Merchant). This all changes when a nurse named Gabriella (Elizabeth Rodriguez) pays Logan to take her and a young girl named Laura (played by Dafne Keen in her big screen debut) to North Dakota. What she doesn't reveal is that Laura is Logan's genetic clone and that they are being hunted by Donald Pierce (Boyd Holbrook). The film then takes us on a whirlwind journey of sad goodbyes as we watch the final appearances of performances of the Wolverine and Professor X.

Logan is the X-Men film we have been waiting for. By far the best stand alone Wolverine film, it gives Days of Future Past a run for it's money as the best film in the entire series. All along, fans have been wanting more blood and gore, but more importantly, for a Wolverine film to stay true to it's roots. This film does that. Logan is a satisfactory film on both a visual and emotional level. By the end of it all, you know that this is goodbye for some of our favorite characters and this is a well crafted tribute to them. Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart give their best performances of their respective characters. They share on screen chemistry that is 17 years in the making. Their bromance will be dearly missed. What caught me by surprise was that the person that stole the show wasn't either of them. It was Laura. Dafne Keen makes a big splash and pushes the film to the emotional limits that it needs. Furthermore, she provides a violent and darkly hilarious minime of Wolverine and I am excited to see where the franchise takes her character.

In all the gloom that is Logan, this film is the character's swan song. It is gritty, bitter, dark, and all around a good time at the movies. This is The Dark Knight of the X-Men series. I fail to see how anything from the franchise will compare. I challenge Ryan Reynolds to try and keep up with the emotional impact of this film.

I give this film a 4 1/2 out of 5 stars. I made a promise to myself to never give a superhero film a full 5 star rating, and while this film came close, I kept that promise as I saw it.  Please, go see this. However, be advised that this film is not for kids.


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