
Movies drive America. They bring in crowds every weekend and make millions of dollars by entertaining people for a few hours. More than ever, people are often coming away from movies with their wallets considerably lighter. That's not why I'm here.

I'm here to go through that sludge we call the film industry.

My name is Grant. I'm almost 18 and I want to do this full time. I mention this more so that should I be picked up by a newspaper, they will have a general idea of what I'm getting at. I'm addicted to movies. I go see movies almost every weekend, so I sort of know what I'm talking about.

Another thing. Simply because the title of the blog is "Your Film Sucks!" doesn't mean every film I review will be crap. Quite the contrary actually. I review films based on how I see them, not based on every one else's opinion. I will review films on a five-star scale. Five stars makes the perfect movie. Three means your movie is solid. One star means it's crap. No star means that I literally could not sit through your movie because it was so intolerable. I have only given no stars to three movies.

No Star Movies:

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Dude, Where's My Car?
The Tree of Life

Let's begin.


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